No leader has ever emerged out a vacuum. Leadership is always shaped by emergent challenges and is purpose driven. However, the continuing challenge for the human cause is to ensure that the purpose remains ethical.
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At a fundamental level, a struggle for a better life entails gathering superior knowledge in order to interpret the constantly varying factors we interact with in our environments and to develop better solutions to adapt, stay relevant and survive.
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The question is how the integrity of character is preserved when power is attained. The interplay between power and character impacts decision-making in the face of adversity and contention.
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Organisations do not self-propel themselves to sustainable success and glory. They do so because they are purpose driven and their vision aligned strategies are developed and executed by a highly skilled and competent team that has developed the appropriate organisational discipline required to focus on delivering the planned objectives and intended outcomes.
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At a fundamental level, a struggle for a better life entails gathering superior knowledge in order to interpret the constantly varying factors we interact with in our environments and to develop better solutions to adapt, stay relevant and survive.
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The question is how the integrity of character is preserved when power is attained. The interplay between power and character impacts decision-making in the face of adversity and contention.
Read moreFit for Purpose
The key to understanding how and why some organisations thrive and succeed while others wither and ultimately cease to exist, reveals a critical need to develop a deep understanding about a very simple and mutually reinforcing relationship between a set of critical factors that play a defining role in determining the potential success or failure of an organisation, namely:
The purpose and strategic vision of an organisation as defined by its founders.
A suitable operating structure with world class skills that is supported by sound processes and leading edge technology.
The funding structure that must be put in place to sustain its operations adequately.
Reader Reviews
I’ve read the @MotsohiThabang book Fit for Purpose. Stimulating, insightful and fresh. Whether you’re in corporate, business or political life, you need to read it.
I have completed this important book, and will be incorporating some of it's principles in our February seminars. @MotsohiThabang is clearly one of our senior strategic thinkers, and I hope that his words are taken to heart.
After finishing this book I am certain I will start to think about how to run my own business. I am not business minded but this author unpacks strategic thinking about Organisations and this touched something down my spirit.
Black people must read it. (It is necessary and imperative). The author has read quite widely to be able to produce this intelligent book!! I checked the bibliography it is impressive!!
Thank you once again, the ancestors sent you to wake me up from my slumber and ignorance.
Papie Radikhukhu LesameActing DDG for Statistical Collections and Outreach